Cyber Criminals are no longer targeting your systems directly, they are actively attacking your staff.
Why? Because they are the weakest link, whether it's a lack of awareness, curiosity or faith that the IT systems will protect them.
So we have partnered with Cyber Risk Aware
to deliver a platform that allows you to easily assess how your staff react to phishing emails and SMS messages by using highly sophisticated simulated engines that mimic the cyber criminal activities. Your staff are then offered helpful training that helps them identify the potential attacks and avoid them.
This increases the effectiveness of your training in an easy way without needing your staff to take time out to attend formal training events, which in turn lowers your cost as you can target training to the right users and the right time. You can also measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of your programme over time.
Security Awareness Education (SAE) is one of the fastest growing areas of cyber security, helping you build a Human Firewall. For an insight into how your organisation can build best practice around security education, with the ability to include real-time engagement, and turn your greatest threat into the first line of defence, contact us to arrange a free trial today by registering here.